*This call center will be available from 8 a.m. To help bridge the digital divide, a multi-lingual call center will be available to help seniors make an appointment.

Zocdoc will show real-time appointment availability and eligible residents will then be able to select a date/time and book an appointment online. Date of birth will be required when booking an appointment to confirm vaccine eligibility. *To register online, visit /vaccine. The web site is projected to handle much higher volume of appointment requests. Persons with a Disability1 (Not otherwise covered in previous categories.).Those in the 1B+ category include individuals who have one or more of the following: "If those 110,000 appointments don't fill up, we would then open them up to people who are in that 1B+ category," Arwady said. More than 110,000 appointments will be available to seniors over the course of three days when registration opens.